Google checkout is AWESOME (from the purchaser's perspective)
My first experience with Google checkout was awesome. I bought a print from BlueFlipArt, which, I think, I found on Dooce's links list. (I haven't been able to find Dooce's links list since she redesigned.)
The process was TOO easy. I somehow - and this is the scary part - I don't remember when - I put my credit card info into GoogleCheckout. So, I picked the print I wanted (this one, in case you're wondering) and I clicked buy. The page changed to show me a total and to say that it was going to use my card with card number x and I clicked ok (or buy, or something like that.)
This reminds me of Amazon's 1-click shopping, pioneered so many years ago, but the beauty was that I'd never shopped at BlueFlipArt before and it already knew me. (Oh, and speaking of Amazon, I don't know when they redesigned, but for perhaps the first time EVER, Amazon is uncluttered. Of course, I'm having difficulty getting to them as of 3:20 p.m.)
I guess you could say the same about buying something via PayPal, which I also did this weekend, but for some reason, the PayPal process wasn't as quick or efficient. It was basically the same thing but a crappier user interface perhaps.
The process was TOO easy. I somehow - and this is the scary part - I don't remember when - I put my credit card info into GoogleCheckout. So, I picked the print I wanted (this one, in case you're wondering) and I clicked buy. The page changed to show me a total and to say that it was going to use my card with card number x and I clicked ok (or buy, or something like that.)
This reminds me of Amazon's 1-click shopping, pioneered so many years ago, but the beauty was that I'd never shopped at BlueFlipArt before and it already knew me. (Oh, and speaking of Amazon, I don't know when they redesigned, but for perhaps the first time EVER, Amazon is uncluttered. Of course, I'm having difficulty getting to them as of 3:20 p.m.)
I guess you could say the same about buying something via PayPal, which I also did this weekend, but for some reason, the PayPal process wasn't as quick or efficient. It was basically the same thing but a crappier user interface perhaps.
Labels: shopping Googlecheckout BlueFlipArt commerce ecommerce Black_Monday Amazon PayPal shopping cart